In his monumental medieval work, Moreh Nevukhim (Guide for the Perplexed), the Rambam lays out his project to explain the principles of Ma’aseh Bereshit and Ma’aseh Merkavah. These terms describe the nature of our physical world and the metaphysical realm, respectively, and one should utilize Scripture, the Oral tradition, and science to arrive at the truths of these principles. The Rambam believes that Aristotelian philosophy is the most accurate science of his day, and with some minor adjustments, one can fit it into the Torah’s paradigm. The ultimate objective of attaining this knowledge is to use it to connect with the Divine and realize man’s purpose in being. Join our Mara D'asra, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, live from BAYT, as he methodically goes through the Moreh Nevukhim section by section, week by week, with the hope of understanding these ideas and making them meaningful to us in our lives.
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Sat, December 21 2024
20 Kislev 5785
Today's Calendar
Shacharis : 7:30am |
Chabura Minyan : 8:30am |
Shacharis : 8:30am |
Bais Midrash Minyan : 8:45am |
Shacharis (Main) : 9:00am |
Chinnuch Minyan : 9:15am |
Teen Minyan : 9:15am |
YP / JLIC : 9:30am |
Latest Time for Shema : 10:02am |
: 10:46am |
Daf Yomi : 3:35pm |
Shiur Bi'Ivrit : 3:35pm |
Mincha : 4:20pm |
Havdalah : 5:29pm |
Parent and Child Learning : 6:30pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 4:29pm |
Mincha/Maariv : 4:35pm |
Shabbos Day
Shacharis : 7:30am |
Chabura Minyan : 8:30am |
Shacharis : 8:30am |
Bais Midrash Minyan : 8:45am |
Shacharis (Main) : 9:00am |
Chinnuch Minyan : 9:15am |
Teen Minyan : 9:15am |
YP / JLIC : 9:30am |
Latest Time for Shema : 10:05am |
: 10:49am |
Daf Yomi : 3:40pm |
Shiur Bi'Ivrit : 3:40pm |
Mincha : 4:25pm |
Havdalah : 5:34pm |
Parent and Child Learning : 6:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Vayeshev
Shabbos, Dec 21 |
Candle Lighting
Shabbos, Dec 21, 4:25pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Dec 21, 5:29pm |
Erev Chanukah
Wednesday, Dec 25 |
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Alos Hashachar | 6:37am |
Earliest Tallis | 6:49am |
Haneitz (Sunrise) | 7:49am |
Latest Shema | 10:02am |
Zman Tefillah | 10:47am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 12:16pm |
Mincha Gedolah | 12:39pm |
Mincha Ketanah | 2:52pm |
Plag HaMincha | 3:48pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 4:47pm |
Havdalah | 5:29pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 5:29pm |
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